Function numberFormatter

  • Formats a number according to the specified locale.

    This function formats a given number into a locale-specific string representation, such as adding commas for thousands or periods for decimals based on the provided locale.


    • value: number

      The number to format.

    • format: "id-ID" | "en-EN"

      The locale format to use for formatting the number. Supported values are 'id-ID' (Indonesian) and 'en-EN' (English).

    Returns string

    The formatted number as a string.

    // Example 1: Formatting in Indonesian locale
    const formattedID = numberFormatter(1234567.89, 'id-ID');
    console.log(formattedID); // "1.234.567,89"

    // Example 2: Formatting in English locale
    const formattedEN = numberFormatter(1234567.89, 'en-EN');
    console.log(formattedEN); // "1,234,567.89"

    // Example 3: Formatting integers
    const formattedInt = numberFormatter(1000000, 'en-EN');
    console.log(formattedInt); // "1,000,000"